23-24 | AGOSTO | 2024
Uberlândia | MG
Deep Plane Dynamics
Navigating the Depths of Facial Plastic Surgery
Learn advanced techniques in Facial Plastic Surgery.
Join us on August 23rd and 24th for an exclusive opportunity to dive deep into the world of facial plastic surgery.
Live Deep Plane surgery performed by Professor Dr. Leandro Pellarin from São Paulo. Experience first-hand the complexities of this advanced surgical technique.
Specialized Lectures
Get valuable information in exclusive lectures with Dr. Lucas Patrocínio, Dr. Tomas Patrocínio and Dr. Jose A. Patrocínio on a variety of topics, including Frontoplasty, Otoplasty, Face Lifting, Hair Advancement, Blepharoplasty, Lip Lifting, Mentoplasty and much more.
Interactive discussion
Engage in an open dialogue with our faculty during a question and answer session. Discuss your doubts, share experiences and delve deeper into the nuances of the techniques presented.
Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your skills in facial plastic surgery. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey to mastery with Rhinoface Academy.
Dr. Tomas Patrocinio
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Craniomaxillofacial Surgeon
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Board Certified IBCFPRS
Facial Plastic Surgery
Dr. Leandro Pellarin
🔹 Doctor currently at Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo-Brazil;
🔹 Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery;
🔹 Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinoplasty;
🥇 Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinoplasty
Dr. Manoel Pereira
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dr. Lucas Patrocinio
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Craniomaxillofacial Surgeon
🥇 Former president of the Brazilian Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
Dr. Fábio Maniglia
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dr. José Mauro Squarisi
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dr. Jose A. Patrocinio
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dr. Ricardo Maniglia
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dr. Pedro Fragoso
🔹 Otolaryngologist
🔹 Facial Plastic Surgery
🔹 Head and Neck Surgery
🥇 Former President of the Brazilian Society of Rhinology and Facial Plastic
Dominate deeply
Facial Plastic Surgery
in a single event.
08:00-08:20 - Abertura - Jose A. Patrocinio
08:20-08:40 - PRF na Rinoplastia e na Cicatrização - Manoel Pereira
08:40-09:00 - Blefaroplastia Superior - Tomas Patrocinio
09:00-09:20 - Suspensão do Supercilio Transpalpebral e Direta - Ricardo Maniglia
09:20-09:40 - Frontoplastia Endoscopica e Lateral - Lucas Patrocinio
09:40-10:00 - Blefaroplastia Inferior Estruturada e Suspensão do Terço Médio - Fabio Maniglia
10:00-10:30 - Coffee Break
10:30-10:50 - Zonas de Perigo na Face - Pedro Fragoso
10:50-11:10 - Anatomia Cirúrgica da Face - Leandro Pellarin
11:10-11:30- Incisões no Lifting de Face - Leandro Pellarin
11:30-12:00 - Todos os Diferentes Tratamentos de SMAS na Cirurgia de Face - Leandro Pellarin
12:00-13:30 - Almoço
13:30-14:00 - Deep Plane Face Lift - Leandro Pellarin
14:00-14:30 - Anatomia Cirúrgica do Pescoço e Manejo das Estruturas Cervicais no Rejuvenescimento Facial - Leandro Pellarin
14:30-15:00 - Lip Lift - Tomas Patrocinio
15:00-15:30 - Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 - O Papel da Lipoenxertia Facial - Leandro Pellarin
16:00-16:30 - Novas Tecnologias (Face Tite e Morpheus) no Rejuvenescimento Facial - José Mauro Squarisi
16:30-17:00 - Mentoplastia - Lucas Patrocinio
17:00-17:30 - Lifting facial: Qual é a Minha Escolha em Cada Caso - Leandro Pellarin
17:30-18:00 - Mesa Redonda - Discussão
18:00-20:00 - Coquetel + Jantar
08:00 - Transmissão de Cirurgia Deep Plane ao vivo com Dr. Leandro Pellarin
Localização do Evento
Rua Natal, 1415 - Bairro Tibery
Uberlândia / MG
(34) 3221-1100
Exclusively for doctors:
Plastic Surgeons
Cranio-maxilo facials
Pre- sale promotional value
(Valid until 23/06)
Access to Rhinoface Academy:
✔️ Access to the Deep Plane Dynamics event: August 23rd and 24th
✔️ Deep Plane Surgery Live with Dr. Leandro Pellarin;
✔️ Lunch and coffee break;
✔️ Closing dinner;
✔️ Access to live recorded lectures.
From R$ 1,200.00 per
R$ 699.00